Horticulture MCQs

The year in which mango tree does not produce or produce very small number of fruit is called _______ ?

A. Lazy year
B. Hunger year
C. Off year
D. None of the above

System for planting banana suckers followed in Sindh is ______?

A. Rectangular
B. Hexagonal
C. Square
D. Diagonal

The recommended plant to plant space for chiku is _______?

A. 20 x 20 ft
B. 35 x 35 ft
C. 50 x 50 ft
D. 100 x 100 ft

Green vegetables are source of ____ ?

A. Biotin
B. Carbohydrates
C. folate
D. vitamin

What is stump _______?

A. Shoot cutting
B. Tree cutting
C. Seeding
D. None of the above

Loss off leaves due to seasonal change is _____?

A. Leeward
B. Defoliation
C. Malformation
D. None of the above

Establishment of new crop naturally or artificially is _______?

A. Siliviculture
B. Sericulture
C. Nursery
D. Regeneration

The practice of raising trees is called ______?

A. Forestry
B. Agro forestry
C. range forestry
D. Sericulture

Plants which change from the vegetative to the reproductive stage by producing flowers and fruits when the day become longer is called _______?

A. Long day plants
B. Short day plants
C. Photoperiod
D. Phototropism

Planting distance of about 10-15 meter is recommended for _______?

A. Apple
B. Mango
C. Datepalm
D. Banana

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