Horticulture MCQs

The food in onion is stored in ______?

A. Roots
B. stems
C. Flowers
D. Scaly leaves

The smell in onion bulb is due to _______?

A. bad odour of the soil
B. Much sugar
C. Sulphur components
D. Fleshy leaves

Almond belongs to family _______?

A. Musaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Annonaccae
D. Moraceae

Jack fruit belong to family _______?

A. Musaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Annonaccae
D. Moraceae

Jack fruit belong to family _______?

A. Solanaceae
B. Moraceae
C. Carcaceae
D. Palmae

In Pakistan hockey sticks are generally made from _____?

A. Salix
B. Morus alba
C. morus nigra
D. Melia

Cotton fiber are made up of _______?

A. Cellulose
B. Starch
C. Fates
D. Protein

Liquid food drinking is _______?

A. Pinoeytosis
B. Phagocytosis
C. Imbibitions
D. None of the above

Absence of chlorophyll in the plant is known as _______?

A. Acrodsome
B. Albinism
C. Agoun
D. None of the above

Plants having monoecious flower are ______?

A. Maize
B. Castor
C. Colocasia
D. All the above

Increased flower size has made tetraploidy important for _______?

A. Plant breeder
B. Agronomist
C. Horticulturist
D. Pathologist

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