Horticulture MCQs

Which one of the following is fruit _______?

A. Cauliflower
B. Potato
C. Brinjal
D. Ginger

Anthesis starts in onion. at ______?

A. 7.00 am
B. 10.00 am
C. 8.00 am
D. 5.00 am

A paranchy matous outgrowth in the inner wall of the ovary to which the ovules are attached is called ______?

A. Cambium
B. Placenta
C. Ovule
D. Ovary

Which of the following constitute the best definition of fruit _________?

A. A fruit is a product of flower
B. A fruit is a product of ovary
C. A fruit is a mature ovary that contain seed
D. A fruit is post fertilization

chemicals which induce leaf fall are called _______?

A. Defoliant
B. Growth regulators
C. Herbicides
D. Fungicides

Objective of pruning include _______?

A. Controlling the direction of growth
B. Developing the strong framework
C. Improving the productiveness
D. all the above

From which part of coconut tree coir is obtained ______?

A. Endosperm
B. Mesocarp
C. Pericarp of fruit
D. Inflorescence

Parthenocarpic refers to ________?

A. Single seeded fruit
B. Multi seed fruit
C. Seed less fruit
D. All the above

Photosynthesis takes place in ________?

A. All green parts of plants
B. Only leaves
C. Only flowers and fruits
D. none

A branch of science which deals with ornamental and vegetables is called _______?

A. Floriculture
B. Agriculture
C. Horticulture
D. Sericulture

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