Horticulture MCQs

The union of the second male gametes with polar nuclei is called _______?

A. Fertilization
B. Double fertilization
C. Both a & b
D. non of these

Formation of male and female gametes in the flower is called ______?

A. Zygote formation
B. Gametogenesis
C. Fertilization
D. REproduction

A reproductive part of the plant which is responsible for the production of fruits and seeds is called _____?

A. Corolla
B. Calyx
C. Flower
D. All the above

The portion of the axis below the cotyledons is known as _______?

A. Micropyle
B. Hypocotyle
C. Epictyl
D. None of the above

The conservation of glucose or fructose in pyruive acid during respiration is called __?

A. Glucopage
B. Glycogen
C. Glycolysis
D. None of the above

A controlled oxidation process by which all organisms ultimately obtain the energy stored in organic compound is known as _____?

A. Oxidation
B. Transportation
C. Respiration
D. Both a & b

A process off converting light energy into useful chemical energy ______?

A. Photoperiodism
B. Photosynthesis
C. Transpiration
D. Conversion

Banana belongs to type of fruit where the edible portion is ______?

A. Mesocarp
B. Sycoms
C. Berry
D. Drup

Transfer of pollen grains of a flower to the stigma of the same the flowers of the same plant is called _____?

A. Polygamy
B. Autogamy
C. Homogamy
D. None of the above

Calyx and corolla together are called ________?

A. Petals
B. Sepals
C. Perianth
D. Epidermus

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