Horticulture MCQs

Plants which shed their leaves during winter are ______?

A. Grading
B. Packing
C. Processing
D. Vegetable forcing

Growing of vegetables for the consumption of local market and large center is ______?

A. Truck gardening
B. Market gardening
C. Home gardening
D. Olericulture

Sweet potato is _______?

A. Tuber
B. Fruit
C. Root
D. Rhizome

Cultivation of grapes is called ______?

A. Orcharding
B. Ciltriculture
C. Viticulture
D. Pomology

Ornamental Horticulture is the combination of ______?

A. Pomology and floriculture
B. Floriculture and landscape
C. Viticulture and landscape
D. None of these

A branch of Horticulture dealing with the production of fruits and their distribution is called _____?

A. Olericulture
B. Pomology
C. Sericulture
D. Citricultire

Surface temperature of sun is _______?

A. 6000°C
B. 100,000°C
C. 500°C
D. 2000°C

The number of calories of heat required to change the temperature of one Kg of a substance is called _____?

A. Heat action
B. Molar heat
C. Specified heat
D. None of the above

The metric unit of light is ____?

A. Km
B. Lux
C. Noticlemiles
D. Lumen

Small new plants which grow out from the parent and can be separated as independent plant is called ______?

A. Suckers
B. Offset
C. Division
D. Seeding

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