Horticulture MCQs

In spinach cross pollination takes place by _______?

A. Water
B. Birds
C. Hybridization
D. Wind

What type of pollination is observed in cucumber ______?

A. Partially self fertilization
B. Partially cross pollination
C. Self pollination
D. Cross pollination

Development of distorted swollen leaves which become inverted translucent and eventually necrotic is known as ______?

A. Bacterial contamination
B. Mosaicism
C. Vitrification
D. Death of plant

Splice grafting is most successful in ______?

A. Mango
B. Apple
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Nitrogen requirement for citrus plant per year is ______?

A. 1 Kg
B. 1-1.5Kg
C. 2Kg
D. 4Kg

Citrus root stock seeding are ready for budding after ______?

A. 6 months
B. 9 months
C. 01 months
D. 02 months

Main factors affecting production and quantity of citrus is _______?

A. Temperature
B. Humidity
C. Rainfall
D. All the above

Crossed between mandarin and grape fruit make _______?

A. Citrange
B. Tangelos
C. Limequate
D. None of the above

Citrus belongs to the _______?

A. Announaceae
B. Rutaceae
C. Citrea
D. All the above

The basal part which provided the root system for anchorage and absorption of moisture and nutrients is called ______?

A. Scion
B. Root stock
C. Grafting
D. Budding

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