which one of the following is climacteric fruit ______?
A. Grape
B. Banana
C. Lemon
D. Pineapple
The chromoplast develops mainly from ______?
A. Leucoplast
B. Chloroplast
C. Phagoplast
D. Amyloplast
Ripening fruits soften due to _____?
A. Jelly formation at acidic pH
B. Soubulization of pectate of middle lamelle
C. Conversion of starch in sugar
D. Incorporation of pectate in middle lamella
The message of jasmine is ______?
A. Love
B. Peace
C. Friendship
D. All the above
Banana is a rich source of ______?
A. Vitamins
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Carbohydrates
Tomato is a _____?
A. Short day plant
B. Long day plant
C. Day-neutral plant
D. None of the above
Fruits are an excellent source of _______?
A. Vitamins
B. Minerals
C. Carbohydrates
D. All the above
Collar rot in chilies is caused by ______?
A. Rhizocotina solani
B. Phytopatinara infeston
C. Phytophuthora spesies
D. Phytophatara cupsa
Which disease is caused by nematodes in banana ______?
A. Banana bunchy top
B. Finger tip rot
C. Panama diseases
D. Root knot
Disease incidences in plants is favored by _____?
A. Cloudy weather
B. High humidity
C. Low temperature
D. All the above