Horticulture MCQs

R1 to R6 genes against late blight of potato was reported by ______?

A. Biffen (1905)
B. Flor (1956)
C. Van der plank (1963)
D. Painter (1951)

The high level of starch accumulation is present in _____?

A. Cassava
B. Potato
C. Cucumber
D. Carrot

Lenticular transpiration generally occurs in ______?

A. Cercal crops
B. Vegetables
C. Woody plants
D. Flower

Papaya fruit is _______?

A. Pome type
B. Berry type
C. Pepo type
D. All the above

Lemon plant is commercially propagated by _____?

A. seed
B. Layering
C. Grafting
D. Budding

The pigment present in tomato is _____?

A. B-carotene
B. Xanthophyll
C. Lycopene
D. Chlorophyll

The protein content of fresh fruit is about _______?

A. 4%
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 1%

A plant hormone which promote cell division known as _____?

A. Cytokinins
B. Auxins
C. Gibberellins

What is topping _____?

A. Removal of branches
B. Removal of leaves
C. Removal of roots
D. none of the above

Science and art of establishment a tree crop is called ______?

A. Sericulture
B. Tissue culture
C. Silva culture
D. None of the above

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