Horticulture MCQs

which is multipurpose tree _____?

A. Kikar
B. Mango
C. Cedar
D. Pine

Commercial grape cultivation is called _____?

A. Cirticulture
B. Olericulture
C. Viticulture
D. Sericulture

Variation in the performance of the same mango variety in the same orchard may be due to the variation in the root stock raised from seeds which may be due to ____?

A. Polyembroyonic
B. Variable root stock size
C. Mono-embryonic
D. All the above

If humidity is more transpiration will be ________?

A. More
B. Less
C. No
D. Too much

Photophosphorylation is process of generating ______?


In plants when glucose is more than its requirement the surplus is converted into _____?

A. Glycogen
B. Starch
C. Sucrose
D. None of the above

Rafinose is ________?

A. Trisaccharide
B. Monosaccharide
C. Disaccharide
D. Polysaccharide

The photo nthesis reaction is determined by ______?

A. Hill reaction
B. Goldman equation
C. Nernst equation
D. Oxidation-reduction reaction

Carbohydrates are separated by ______?

A. Gas liquid chromatography
B. Infra-red spectrophotometer
C. Flame photometry
D. Paper chromatography

Where does respiratory electron transport occurs _____?

A. Cytoplasm
B. Inner membrane of mitochondria
C. matrix of mitochondria
D. Chloroplast

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