IB GD 7 Past Paper 2022 MCQs

Diamond is made from which element?
  1. Carbon
  2. Gold
  3. Silver
  4. Platinum

One who sacrifices his life for a cause:

A) Solider
B) Revolutionary
C) Martyr
D) Patriot

Which is the first dry port of Pakistan?
  1. Lahore
  2. Karachi
  3. Islamabad
  4. None of these
Opposite of Tauheed is :
  1. Ablees
  2. Idol
  3. Shirk
  4. None of These
Shortcut key to close an application or a window:
  1. Ctrl+F1
  2. Altl+F4
  3. Ctrl+F4
  4. Ctrl+B

Largest dam of Pakistan is :

  1. Tarbela Dam
  2. Mangla dam
  3. Warsak dam
  4. None of these
In which Islamic month Pakistan was founded ?
  1. Ramzan
  2. Muharram
  3. Safr
  4. Rajab

IMPORTANT: All IB Past Paper including GD 11 and GD 7 Past Paper for Intelligence Bureau jobs test preparation.

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