IB Past Paper GD 11 2019 MCQs

IB Past Paper GD 11 2019 MCQs with answers for Intelligence bureau GD test preparation online.

IB Past Paper GD 11 2019 MCQs

When third and longest martial law in the history of Pakistan imposed?

  1. 5 July 1972
  2. 5 July 1979
  3. 5 July 1977
  4. 5 July 1991
Which was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?
  1. Urdu
  2. Bengali
  3. Punjabi
  4. Sindhi
  5. Both A & B
When was the Water and Power Development Authority established?
  1. February 12, 1960
  2. February 12, 1959
  3. February 22, 1958
  4. February 12, 1957
Sindh University Jamshoro was established in which year?
  1. 1947
  2. 1946
  3. 1945
  4. 1944
Tooth decay is caused by:
  1. Salt
  2. Sugar
  3. Calcium
  4. Fluorine
One horse power is equal to:
  1. 746 watt
  2. 735 watt
  3. 725 watt
  4. 700 watt
Email hacking means:
  1. Finding email password
  2. Finding email address
  3. Finding email server
  4. Illegal access to open email accounts of others
What does make the blood look red?
  1. Red corpuscles
  2. Hemoglobin
  3. Plasma
  4. Certain secretions
.008 x .008 is equal to :
  1. 6.4
  2. .64
  3. .064
  4. .000064
An angle measuring less than 90 degree is called?
  1. Obtuse angle
  2. Right angle
  3. Acute angle
  4. Straight angle

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