Idiom “turned a deaf ear to” means?
A. disputed
B. paid attention to
C. To ignore or refuse to listen to someone or something
D. acknowledged gratefully
Idiom “by leaps and bounds” means?
A. very slowly
B. very quickly
C. irregularly
D. very systematically
Idiom “The pros and cons of” means?
A. measure the ingredient
B. observe etiquette
C. consider all facts
D. postpone action
Idiom “Get the sack” means?
A. resigned
B. got rid of
C. was demoted from
D. was dismissed from
Idiom “no love lost” means?
A. stop loving
B. not like each other at all.
C. forming a group
D. have good understanding
Idiom “Red letter day” means?
A. a dangerous day
B. an important day
C. an eventful day
D. a formidable day
“Nod off” means?
A. take rest
B. Fall asleep
C. sitting down
D. turn off something
Idiom “Best of both worlds” means?
A. Friendly with everyone
B. Master of huge wealth
C. benefits of two things and none of the disadvantages.
D. None of these
To read between the lines means?
A. To Suspect
B. To Grasp the hidden meaning
C. To concentrate
D. To read carefully
What is the meaning of idiom ” pour cold water on “?
A. Discourage
B. Encourage
C. To be calm
D. Deceive