Idioms Phrases And Proverbs Quiz 1

Idioms Phrases and Proverbs Quiz 1

1 / 20

“Rule of Thumb” means what _____?

2 / 20

Choose the correct meaning of idiom: “To fish in troubled waters .”

3 / 20

“To face the music” means

4 / 20

Cut the mustard means that

5 / 20

Hear breadth’s escape means

6 / 20

Hide one’s light under a bushel

7 / 20

The idiom Living hand to mouth means what?

8 / 20

“Feel blue” means

9 / 20

Meaning of: To feel at home.

10 / 20

Meaning of “donkey years”.

11 / 20

“Hold one’s horse” means ____?

12 / 20

“Pay Lip Service” means what?

13 / 20

The correct meaning of idiom : his back is worse than his bit

14 / 20

Keep one’s, own counsel.

15 / 20

There is no smoke without a fire.

16 / 20

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

17 / 20

The idiom meaning ” Cut no ice”

18 / 20

The idiom ‘Add fuel to the fire’ means

19 / 20

The Pros and Cons means:

20 / 20

Slow and steady ____
  1. Win
_the race.

Your score is

The average score is 52%


Idioms Online Test

There are twenty questions in this important idioms online test for online preparation.

The quiz will help the students understand the basic concept of English Idioms. The MCQs Test is for one paper exam preparation.

After attempting all the questions in this idioms online test, aspirants must submit the quiz to see their marks for this quiz.

Candidates must submit the quiz at the end to see their final marks and the average scores of other students participating in these idioms online test.

After the quiz’s final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our English quizzes for one paper preparation.

This quiz is an effort to help students prepare for their idioms online test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Idioms and Phrases MCQs for preparation.

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