Indus Valley Civilization MCQs

Indus Civilization developed around:

A) 3000 BC
B) 3600 BC
C) 3500 BC
D) 4000 BC

Indus civilization belongs to which age:

A) Golden age
B) Silver age
C) Bronze Age
D) Stone Age

Indus Valley civilization was founded by:

A) Aryans
B) Dravidians
C) Gupta
D) Kushans

The main occupation of the Indus Valley civilization was:

A) Agriculture
B) Cattle Ragging
C) Hunting
D) none of these

The Great Granary of the Indus Valley civilization has been discovered at:

A) Harappa
B) Mohenjodaro
C) Lothal
D) Kalibagan

Which of the following largest sites of the Indus Valley Civilization:

A) Harappa and Rangapur
B) Mohenjodaro and Alamgirpur
C) Harappa and Mohenjodaro
D) Lothal and Gujrat

Ruins of Mohenjodaro are located in the District:

A) Dadu
B) Larkana
C) Khaipur
D) Thatta

Mohenjodaro is also known as:

A) Mount of the great
B) Mount Of the survivor
C) Mount of the dead
D) The Place of living

Mohenjodaro is in:

A) Sindh
B) Balochistan
C) Punjab

Excavations at Mohenjodaro have revealed earth vessels:

A) Millet grains
B) Lentils
C) Rice grains
D) None of these

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Also Read: Pakistan Studies MCQs [712 – 2024]

Indus Valley Civilization History is an important part of one paper jobs test and competitive exams in Pakistan and India..

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