Indus Valley Civilization MCQs

The battle of Hydaspes was fought between Alexander the Great and King Porus in:

A) 326 BC
B) 327 BC
C) 328 BC
D) 336 BC

The battle of the Hydaspes was fought between Alexander and King Porus in 326 BC. Hydapses means which river:

A) Jhelum
B) Indus
C) Beas
D) Ravi

The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of:

A) Sutlej and Beas
B) Jhelum and Chenab
C) Ravi and Chenab
D) Ganga and Yamna

Alexander the Great remained in India for:

A) 29 month
B) 39 month
C) 19 month
D) 10 month

Alexander the Great fought the fiercest war, outside the walls of Multan against:

A) Confederate army of Oxydraki and Mallois
B) Against Darius
C) Against Scylax
D) Against Xerxes

The Mauryan empire was founded in:

A) 361 BC
B) 301 BC
C) 319 BC
D) 321 BC

The name of the empire founded by Chandragupta:

A) Ashoka Empire
B) Chandragupta Empire
C) Mauryan Empire
D) Nanda Empire

In 321 BC Chandragupta founded the Mauryan Empire, which was centered in modern Pakistan but had its capital far to the east at:

A) Assam
B) Calcutta
C) Dehli
D) Patna

Chandra Gupta was also called:

A) Gupta empire
B) Mauryan empire
C) Chandra empire
D) Ashoka empire

The total number of Mauryan Empire was:

A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 9

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