International Relation MCQs

What is left out of the ‘neo-neo’ debate?

A. The role of domestic politics
B. The possibility leaders learn from their experiences
C. Political globalization
D. All of the above

What are the major functions of the ‘diplomatic machine’?

A. Information gathering
B. Policy advice
C. Representation and Consular Services
D. All of the above

The Water dispute between Pakistan and India was ended by signing of which treaty?

A. Indus Basin Treaty 1965
B. Indus Water Treaty 1960
C. Indus Basin Treaty 1960
D. Indus Water Treaty 1965

Which country is involved in water sharing conflicts with India?

A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
C. Nepal
D. all of these

When India stopped supply of water to Pakistan from every canal flowing from India to Pakistan for first time after creation of Pakistan.

A. April 1st, 1947
B. April 1st, 1948
C. April 1st, 1949
D. April 26th, 1948

To solve water crises Indus Water Treaty was signed in 1960 under which who was to act as guarantor of this Treaty?

A. World Bank
C. Security Council
D. None of them

Which one of the following is called, “The father of International Law”?

A. Starlm
B. Pufendoxf
C. Hugo Grotius
D. Oppenheim

What is contraband?

A. All narcotics
B. Articles banned by a Government
C. all smuggled goods
D. Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war

The term of judges of the international court of Justice is:

A. three years
B. five years
C. six years
D. nine years

Extradition is normally granted:

A. in all cases
B. in criminal cases
C. in civil cases
D. None of these

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