International Relation MCQs

Who appoints the Judges of International Court of Justice?

A. General Assembly only
B. Security Council only
C. Security-General of the UN
D. General Assembly and Security Council

International Court of Justice has its head office in:

A. Hague (Netherlands)
B. New York (USA)
C. Paris (France)
D. Geneva

The General Assembly is:

A. The principal Organ of UNO
B. An ordinary of UNO
C. A check on the Security Council
D. None of these

International Law:

A. Is superior to National Law
B. Is inferior to National Law
C. Has nothing to do with it
D. None of these

Subject of International Law are:

A. States
B. Individuals
C. Both
D. None of these

What day no most countries celebrate as Human Rights Day?

A. 1 January
B. 10 December
C. 2 March
D. None of the options given is correct

Under Indus Basin Treaty, which country is not entitled to draw water from three western rivers?

A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
C. India
D. Nepal

When the India started the construction of Wullar Barrage?

A. 1989
B. 1988
C. 1984
D. 1990

On which river the Wullar Barrage was to be constructed?

A. Ravi
B. Jehlum
C. Chanab
D. Ganga

Which barrage was constructed under Tulbul Navigational project?

A. Wullar Barrage
B. Tulbul Barrage
C. Wullar Navigational Barrage
D. None of these

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