Introduction to Psychology MCQs

How many nerves arise from spinal cord in human beings:

A. 12
B. 15
C. 31
D. 36

Which of the following is NOT a part of a neuron?

A. axon
B. axon terminal
C. synapse
D. soma

Both brain and spinal cord are protected by:

A. Cranium
B. Vertebral column
C. Meninges
D. All of these

One of the following parts of forebrain is responsible for most basic and primitive emotions, drives and behaviours:

A. Thalamus
B. Cerebrum
C. Limbic system
D. All of the above

The concentrations of cell bodies of neurons is:

A. Ganglia
B. Nerves
C. Spinal cord
D. All of these

There is evidence that high levels of aluminium may contribute to the followings:

A. Epilepsy
B. Alzheimer’s disease
C. Parkinson’s disease
D. All of the above

One of the following is reduced in human beings and contains auditory relay culture that controls reflex movements of eyes:

A. Forebrain
B. Midbrain
C. Hindbrain
D. Amygdala

Midbrain contains a relay center that connects the hindbrain with forebrain. It is called:

A. Corpus callosum
B. Pons
C. Reticular formation
D. Hypothalamus

The bundles of axons or dendrites bounded by connective tissue are termed:The bundles of axons or dendrites bounded by connective tissue are termed:

A. Brain
B. Nerves
C. Ganglia
D. Spinal cord

Depending upon the direction of impulse they conduct, the nerves may be:

A. Sensory
B. Motor
C. Mixed
D. All of the above

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