Introduction to Psychology MCQs

Developmental Psychology studies:

A. Personality
B. Motivation
C. Intelligence
D. Various stages of development of man

Abnormal Psychology is concerned with:

A. Developmental stages of individual
B. Diagnosis of abnormal behaviour
C. Abnormal behaviour and its causes
D. Treatment of abnormal behaviour

General psychology deals with:

A. Personality
B. Development
C. Intelligent
D. Fundamentals of all branches of psychology

Some of the most useful knowledge of human perception has borrowed from _________?

A. Chemistry
B. Physics
C. Sociology
D. Zoology

Psychology is the science studying the behaviour of __________?

A. Mankind
B. Living Organism
C. Animals
D. Plants

Ebbinghuas, had done the pioneering experiments on __________?

A. Perception
B. Emotion
C. Memory
D. Thinking

Clinical Psychology deals with the practical aspect of:

A. Abnormal Psychology
B. Educational Psychology
C. Child Psychology
D. Experimental Psychology

Psychology as a ‘Science of Mind’, defined by__ psychology?

A. Psychoanalysts
B. Behaviourists
C. Functionalists
D. Ancient Greek Philosophers

Intelligence quotient (IQ) can be obtained by ___ equation?

A. MA/CA*100
D. None of these

Archetype is a terminology associated with:

A. Carl Jung
B. Freud
C. Adler
D. Skinner

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