Introduction to Psychology MCQs

The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is:

A. Axon
B. Autonomic
C. Linear circuit
D. None of these

The group in an experiment which receives no treatment is called:

A. Control group
B. Experimental group
C. No group
D. None of these

Self actualisation is proposed by:

A. Carl Roger
B. Abraham Mashlow
C. Sigmund Freud
D. William James

Study of gender difference is the subject matter of:

A. Industrial Psychology
B. Social Psychology
C. Developmental Psychology
D. Clinical Psychology

According to Darwin, the variation in behaviour passed from one generation to next generation is due to:

A. Selection
B. Cultural Changes
C. Inheritance
D. None of the above

The part of personality that provides a buffer between the id and the out side world is :

A. Super-ego
B. Ego
C. Ego-ideal
D. None of these

Specialized cells of nervous system carry:

A. Messages
B. Reflexes
C. Both (A. and (B.
D. None of the (A. and (B.

In ancient times, who supposedly inhibited the body and soul of a “crazy” person?

A. God
B. A saint
C. The devil
D. None of these

The theory which suggests that people learn attitude by observing their own behaviour is :

A. Operant conditioning
C. Self-perception
D. None of these

Which of the following is not one of the factors, which tend to hinder the fairness of intelligence tests for lower class children?

A. Inappropriate norms
B. Items requiring certain experience
C. Test assume test-taking skills
D. Test givers bias the result

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