Introduction To Statistics MCQs With Answers

Introduction to statistics mcqs with answers for basic statistical test preparation online.

Introduction To Statistics MCQs With Answers

Arithmetic mean is __ by change of origin and scale of measurement?

A. Vary
B. Negative
C. Affected
D. Not affected

The arithmetic mean ___by 10 if 10 is added to all values?

A. Decease
B. Smaller
C. Largest
D. Increase

We must arrange the data before calculating _______?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. G.M

The most frequent value in data is called ____?

A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. H.M.

H.M. _____ G.M. _______ A.M?

A. <
B. ≥
C. ≤
D. >

The sum of square of deviation is least when measured from ______?

A. Arbitrary value
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. G.M.

If the smallest observation in a data is decreased, the average which is not affected is ______?

A. G.M.
B. Median
C. Mean
D. Harmonic mean

Median = Q2 = D5 = ________?

A. P25
B. P55
C. P75
D. p50

__________ deviation taken from A.M. is always equal to zero?

A. Mean
B. Sum
C. Average
D. 2.D.

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