Introduction To Statistics MCQs With Answers

100% of values lies in the limits are equal to ______?

A. 40 and 60
B. 20 and 70
C. 20 and 30
D. 20 and 80

The range of normal distribution lies between _________?

A. -∞ to +∞
B. 0 to ∞
C. -∞ to 0
D. None of these

N(µ, 2σ) means normally distribution with mean u and variance2σ then (3σ, 4) means ______?

A. 46
B. 76
C. 36
D. 47

In a standard normal distribution z = 0 corresponds to ____?

A. Mean
B. S.D.
C. M.D.
D. Q.D.

As the normal distribution is symmetrical, its mean, median and mode are _____?

A. Coincide
B. Not equal
C. Different
D. None of These

The maximum of function is at _____?

A. X = σ2
B. X = µ
C. X = µ + σ
D. X = 0

If β1 = 0 it means the distribution is ______?

A. Symmetrical
B. + vely skewed
C. -vely skewed
D. Non of these

P95 means _____?

A. The central 95% area
B. The point above above which95% area lies
C. The point above below which 95% area lies
D. Both (a) and (b) but not (c)

In normal distribution Q.D. ( quartile deviation)is equal to ______?

A. σ
B. 0.7979 σ
C. 0.6745 σ
D. None of these

The normal distribution is ______?

A. Platykurtic
B. Leptokurtic
C. Mesoukurtic
D. None of these

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