Islamabad Police ASI Past Paper MCQs

In the database lingo column called?
  1. field
  2. tuple
  3. attributes
  4. none
Which most abundant gas discovered in third number?
  1. helium
  2. silicon
  3. argon
  4. none
Molar Mass of water is?
  1. 14g
  2. 16 g
  3. 18 g
  4. none
When Badr-1 was launched?
  1. 1899
  2. 1990
  3. 1991
  4. none
Who discovered Hydrogen?
  1. Henry Cavendish
  2. Antoine Lavoisier
  3. Robert Boyle
  4. John Dalton
In the database lingo Row called?
  1. field
  2. tuple
  3. attributes
  4. none
Police is a?
  1. Noun
  2. Collective Noun
  3. Adjective.Adverb
Which part of the speech word “Carefully” is _____?
  1. noun
  2. adjective
  3. adverb
  4. noun
I tried _____ the shelf but I was not tall enough.
  1. to reaching
  2. to reached
  3. to reach
  4. none
Crtl + F5 is used for?
  1. New slides
  2. Close window
  3. Reload page
  4. None

7 thoughts on “Islamabad Police ASI Past Paper MCQs”

  1. If Sunday Dawned three Days before Yesterday what will dawn two days after tomorrow?
    i didn’t understand this one because in my calculation the right option is monday,please correct me if i am wrong


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