Islamabad Police ASI Past Paper MCQs

Which of the following has the highest value of specific heat?
  1. mercury
  2. water
  3. copper
  4. none
Telsa is a unit of?
  1. force
  2. magnetic flux
  3. unit
  4. none
Pressure is constant in which law?
  1. Newton’s Law
  2. Charles Law
  3. Pascal Law
  4. None
In gas heat id transfer by?
  1. radiation
  2. convection
  3. conduction
  4. none
The lowest audible frequency of man’s ear is?
  1. 20 Hz
  2. 22 Hz
  3. 23 Hz
  4. none
Cairo is the largest city of?
  1. Egypt
  2. China
  3. Spain
  4. None
In ohm’s law V= ?
  1. UR
  2. IE
  3. IR
  4. None
The trade unit of electrical energy is?
  1. KMN
  2. KEH
  3. KWH
  4. None
The rate of doing work of a body is called?
  1. force
  2. area
  3. power
  4. none
The unit of mass is?
  1. Kg
  2. Km
  3. W
  4. N

7 thoughts on “Islamabad Police ASI Past Paper MCQs”

  1. If Sunday Dawned three Days before Yesterday what will dawn two days after tomorrow?
    i didn’t understand this one because in my calculation the right option is monday,please correct me if i am wrong


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