Islamiat MCQs Quiz 16

Islamic Studies 16

1 / 20

Siha e Sitta are ____ books of Hadith ?

2 / 20

Eid Prayer is __________ ?

3 / 20

How many times Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) is mentioned in sura baqarah?

4 / 20

Where is Masjid ul Hanif located where almost 70 prophets are buried________?

5 / 20

Why Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) divorced his first wife on the request of his father?

6 / 20

Hazart Ali (R.A) married Hazart Fatma (R.A) in ____?

7 / 20

How many disciples of Hazrat Essa (A.S) assisted him in preaching ________?

8 / 20

Islamic official seal started in ____?

9 / 20

Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram ____?

10 / 20

The major part of Quran is revealed at _____?

11 / 20

Name the prophet who was married to Rachel _____?

12 / 20

Whom Arabs called ‘Saabi’ _____?

13 / 20

Name the last Sariya _____ ?

14 / 20

Quran is written in ____?

15 / 20

How many surah starts with curse _____?

16 / 20

In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no: _______)

17 / 20

The idol Manaat was fixed between Makkah and Madina. who worshiped it?

18 / 20

_______ will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat.

19 / 20

Hazart Khadija (R.A) died at ____ years age.

20 / 20

It is said that Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was from the city of ‘Ur’. It is located in________?

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Islamiat MCQs Online Test

There are twenty question in this important Islamiat MCQs Online Test for subject specialist and other competitive exams preparation.

The quiz will help the aspirants understand the basic concept of the Islamiat mcqs for one paper preparation.

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After the quiz’s final submission, students will see a link to the next quiz in the series of our Islamiat quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Islamiat quiz is an effort to help candidates to prepare their Islamiat test for Islamiat subject specialist and competitive exams.

Also Read: Islamic Studies MCQs

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