CCTV stands for
- Closed-circuit television
- Closed-circuit transmission
- both
- None of the above
Where is RAM located ?
- Motherboard
- Software
- Both
- None
mpg file is an extension of __
- video
- word
- excel
- none
The term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?
- Latin
- French
- Arabic
- None of these
What is the diameter of compact disc?
- 12 cm
- 11 cm
- 10 cm
- 13 cm
What was the computer invented by Attanasoff and Cliffard____?
- Mark
- Z3
- None of the above
Table in database must Have ?
- Primary Key
- Function Key
- Numeric key
- None
CMOS stand for:
- Compact Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- Complimentary Modal Oxide Semiconductor
- Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- Complimentary Metal Original Semiconductor
- None of these
Who is known as father of E-mail ?
- David Ricardo Malthus
- Thomas
- Ray Tomlinson
- None
In Microsoft word , Micros are______?
- Small program created in MS Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
- Large tool in word such as mail merge
- both
- none