IBM 1400 کس جنریشن کا کمپیوٹر ہے؟
- چوتھی
- پہلی
- دوسری
- تیسری
IBM 1401 is_____?
- Fourth generation computer
- First generation computer
- Third generation computer
- Second generation computer
- None of these
You use an input device such as keyboard or mouse to_____ information
- input
- Output
- Data
- None
Who invented keyboard ___?
- Christopher letham
- Charlas Babbage
- Tim Berner Lee
- None
Which keyboard shortcut Italic selected text?
- Ctrl+I
- Alt+I
- File/Format/Bold
- None of the above
There are usually ____ keys on the keyboard.
- 116
- 110
- 101
- 112
Third generation of computer are included:
- Mainframe Computer
- Mini Computer
- Desktop compute
- All
- None
USB is a device used to carry data from one computer or laptop to another stands for:
- Universal Secure Bus
- Universal Serial Bus
- Universal system to carry bytes
- Unidirectional saving bus
APT is a high-level computer programming language developed by___?
- Steve Jobs
- Bill Gates
- Elon Musk
- Douglas T Ross
- None of these
Which of the following is an application software? Microsoft word, Processing unit, Adder and logical unit, Accumulator, Comparison unit
- Microsoft word
- Processing unit
- Adder and logical unit
- Accumulator
- Comparison unit