IBM 1400 کس جنریشن کا کمپیوٹر ہے؟
  1. چوتھی
  2. پہلی
  3. دوسری
  4. تیسری
IBM 1401 is_____?
  1. Fourth generation computer
  2. First generation computer
  3. Third generation computer
  4. Second generation computer
  5. None of these

You use an input device such as keyboard or mouse to_____ information

  1. input
  2. Output
  3. Data
  4. None

Who invented keyboard ___?

  1. Christopher letham
  2. Charlas Babbage
  3. Tim Berner Lee
  4. None

Which keyboard shortcut Italic selected text?

  1. Ctrl+I
  2. Alt+I
  3. File/Format/Bold
  4. None of the above

There are usually ____ keys on the keyboard.

  1. 116
  2. 110
  3. 101
  4. 112

Third generation of computer are included:

  1. Mainframe Computer
  2. Mini Computer
  3. Desktop compute
  4. All
  5. None
USB is a device used to carry data from one computer or laptop to another stands for:
  1. Universal Secure Bus
  2. Universal Serial Bus
  3. Universal system to carry bytes
  4. Unidirectional saving bus

APT is a high-level computer programming language developed by___?

  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Elon Musk
  4. Douglas T Ross
  5. None of these

Which of the following is an application software? Microsoft word, Processing unit, Adder and logical unit, Accumulator, Comparison unit

  1. Microsoft word
  2. Processing unit
  3. Adder and logical unit
  4. Accumulator
  5. Comparison unit

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