Hardware is best described as:
- Physical parts
- Program
- Printed parts
- Logical parts
How much free storage does Gmail provide?
- 5 GB
- 25 GB
- 15 GB
- 20 GB
1 byte is equal to :
- 4 bits
- 8 bits
- 12 bits
- None
Which one is an INPUT device?
- Floppy Disk
- Mouse
- Monitor
- Speakers
In which term is computer memory measured?
- Units
- Bits
- cells
- Bytes
Modem stands for what _____?
- Modulation Memodulation
- Modern Memodulation
- Old Memodulation
- Modulation and Demodulation
A modem is connected to __________?
- a telephone line
- a keyboard
- a printer
- a monitor
Which register stores the result of ALU operations
- Data Register
- Instruction Register
- Data Address Register
- Accumulator Register
Which of the following is NOT a primary storage device?
- Magnetic Tape
- Hard Disk
- Optical Disk
- All of these
- None of these
C++ is an object oriented language, while C and Pascal are ________ languages.
- procedural
- scripting
- general purpose
- web based