Junior National Saving Officer NTS Past Papers

Synonym of Equanimity is _____?
  1. serenity
  2. excitement
  3. anxiety
  4. anger
Synonym of Gratuitous is ____?
  1. justifiable
  2. necessary
  3. costly
  4. superfluous
Choose the synonym of a capital word: Her father's sense was usually described as "FLAMBOYANT" but n the night of the party, Tanya's outfit was uncharacteristically modest.
  1. impeccable
  2. showy
  3. sloppy
  4. none
Choose the synonym: Aberration
  1. Normal
  2. Unusual
  3. deviation
  4. Disparate
Choose the antonyms: Denigrate
  1. Extol
  2. Belitte
  3. Decry
  4. Impugs
Choose the antonyms: Hapless
  1. fortunate
  2. woeful
  3. hexed
  4. jinxed
  1. Capital: government
  2. Bridge: architect
  3. House: person
  4. Kennel: veterinarian
"A Brown Study' means ____?
  1. Extra care
  2. A matter in dispute
  3. Deep in thoughts
  4. building castle in the air
The unruly behavior of the children ---- their parents
  1. incensed
  2. impeached
  3. aggrieved
  4. tempered
We lost confidence in Slaim because he never ___ the grandiose promises he had made.
  1. delivered on
  2. forgot about
  3. tried of
  4. retreated from

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