KPK Police Constable Past Paper 2021

نادیہ ایک زہین طالبہ ھے ۔زہین کیا ھے؟

  1. مرکب توصیفی
  2. مرکب اضافی
  3. مرکب ترکیبی
  4. None

دن رات صٓبح شام قواعد کی رو سے کیا ھیں؟

  1. اسم ظرف مکاں
  2. اسم ظرف زماں
  3. اسم صفت
  4. اسم آلہ

استعارہ سے کیا مراد ھے ؟

  1. ادھار لینا
  2. بدلہ کرنا
  3. مفت لینا
  4. None

Stethoscope was invented by ?

  1. Rene Laennec
  2. William harway
  3. Both
  4. None

A certain number of two digits is three times the sum of its digits and if 45 be added to it ,it's digits are reversed. find the number :

  1. 27
  2. 34
  3. 22
  4. 12

Mojave Desert is in :

  1. Chili
  2. USA
  3. China
  4. India

He was walking along the wall. Along is :

  1. conjunction
  2. Interjection
  3. Preposition
  4. None

He is singing a song .Change voice

  1. A song is being sung by her
  2. A song is being sung by him
  3. A song is been sung by him
  4. None

To "back out" means :

  1. To retreat
  2. to be trapped
  3. to get out of an agreement
  4. to fulfil

Word file convert into PDF .

  1. New
  2. Open
  3. Print
  4. none

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