Lahore High Court Junior Clerk Past Papers MCQs

Which river foams the Grand Canyon in the United States?
  1. Mississippi
  2. Hudson
  3. Colorado
  4. Columbi
Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?
  1. MB
  2. KB
  3. TB
  4. GB
  5. None of these
the deficiency of Anemia is caused by
  1. Iron
  2. Zinc
  3. Calcium
  4. Sodium
Renin is found in?
  1. month
  2. stomach
  3. liver
  4. kidney
the sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon because?
  1. Of refraction
  2. It is cooler at sunrise and at sunset
  3. Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules.
  4. none of these
Funnel-shaped clouds with violent whirlwinds are named?
  1. Tsunami
  2. Stratus
  3. Tornado
  4. Cirrus
A lake starts freezing because of the cold atmosphere. It will first freeze
  1. At the bottom
  2. ln the middle pan
  3. At the top surface
  4. Uniformly throughout the water body
Retina in the eyes acts as a____ in the camera.
  1. Film
  2. Lens
  3. Shutter
  4. None of these
Bats can also fly in the dark because they are capable of taking the help of ______?
  1. Ultraviolet Waves
  2. Ultrasonic Waves
  3. Electromagnetic Waves
  4. none of these
Humidity in the air was measured by _____?
  1. Barometer
  2. Hygrometer
  3. Both
  4. None
Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?
  1. Mesosphere
  2. Ionosphere
  3. Stratosphere
  4. Troposphere
Indus river end at?
  1. Sutlej
  2. Chenab
  3. Arabian sea
  4. Indian ocean
At which place on earth days and nights are always of equal lentgth?
  1. Poles
  2. Prime Meridians
  3. Equator
  4. No Where
What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabvi?
  1. Miraj
  2. Hijrat e Habsha
  3. Hijrat e Madina
  4. All
Dong is the currency of which country ____?
  1. China
  2. Spain
  3. Argentina
  4. Vietnam

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