Landlocked Countries in World

There are currently 44 landlocked countries in world. Asia has 12, Europe 14, Africa 16, and South America has 2 landlocked countries: 

North America, Australia, and Antarctica are the only continents without any landlocked countries. 

The most populous landlocked country is Ethiopia, in Africa, while the least populous one is the Vatican.

The largest landlocked country by area is Kazakhstan, in Central Asia, while the smallest is the Vatican, in Europe, surrounded by the capital city of Italy, Rome.

Landlocked Asian Country

Asia has 12 landlocked countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In simple these 12 countries in Asia do not have direct ocean access.

Landlocked European Country

Europe has 14 landlocked countries: Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Vatican City.

landlocked countries in world MCQs

Which country has no ocean?

  1. Iran
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Iraq
  4. All of these
Largest land located country :
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Mongolia
  3. Botswana
  4. Kazakhstan

Which is the largest landlocked country in the world _____?

  1. Uzbekistan
  2. Kazakhstan
  3. China
  4. Russia

Largest land locked country in the world

  1. Khazashtan
  2. China
  3. Pakistan
  4. India

How many Landlocked Countries are in South America?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. 2

Which Continents have no landlocked countries?

  1. Antarcatica
  2. Oceania
  3. North America
  4. All of these

which one is landlocked country between china and Russia?

  1. Nepal
  2. Mongolia
  3. Kyrgyzstan
  4. Azerbaijan

Which landlocked Country flag has Two Cows in it?

  1. Andorra
  2. Luxembourg
  3. Liechtenstein
  4. Kazakhstan

Which of the following country has no Ocean?

  1. Afghanistan
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. None

Among these are countries which is not landlocked?

  1. Bhutan
  2. Nepal
  3. Afghistan
  4. Sri Lanka

How many Landlocked Countries are in Africa?

  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 18

Which country is called Landlocked

  1. completely surrounded by land
  2. completely surrounded by water
  3. Both
  4. None

Which of the following is a landlocked country? Nigeria, Uganda

  1. Nigeria
  2. Uganda
  3. Kenya
  4. None of these

How many Countries are there Landlocked in the World?

  1. 22
  2. 44
  3. 46
  4. 50

Which of the following is a landlocked country? India, Afghanistan, UK, Bangladesh, All of these

  1. India
  2. Afghanistan
  3. UK
  4. Bangladesh
  5. All of these

These are only two double landlocked countries in the world. Name both the countries?

  1. Uzbekistan and Mali
  2. Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein
  3. Liechtenstein and Chad
  4. None of these
Chad is the landlocked country of:
  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. Africa
  4. South America
Country __ has no Ocean
  1. Jordon
  2. Pakistan
  3. India
  4. None
مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کون سا ملک زمین بند ہے؟
  1. چین
  2. عراق
  3. کوریا
  4. منگولیا
  5. پاکستان

How many Landlocked Countries are in Europe?

  1. 14
  2. 16
  3. 18
  4. 20

The only land locked country in Southeast Asia is___?

  1. North korea
  2. China
  3. Vietnam
  4. Loas

Which of following is not landlocked country?

  1. Kazakhstan
  2. Mongolia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. UK

Which neighbor country of Pakistan is landlocked?

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Iran
  4. India

Which is a transcontinental country among the following?

  1. Egypt
  2. Jordan
  3. Syria
  4. Saudi Arabia

Which one is a landlocked country? Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, All of these

  1. Thailand
  2. Vietnam
  3. Philippines
  4. Laos
  5. All of these

Which one of the following is a landlocked country? UAE, Kenya ,Cuba, Nepal, All of these

  1. UAE
  2. Kenya
  3. Cuba
  4. Nepal
  5. All of these

The largest Island of the world is :

  1. Iceland
  2. Cyprus
  3. Greenland
  4. None

Which is the Second Largest Landlocked Country in the World?

  1. Khazakastan
  2. China
  3. Pakistan
  4. Mangolia

Which of the following pay representative landlocked countries?

  1. Bangladesh and Thailand
  2. Vietnam and Myanmar
  3. Afghanistan and Tajikistan
  4. Iran and Iraq

The coastline of Afghanistan is __ km

  1. 200
  2. 300
  3. 512
  4. None of these

Which of the following continents has the highest number of landlocked countries?

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. South America

How many Landlocked Countries are in Asia?

  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. 16

Which of the following countries is a landlocked country? Pakistan , Uruguay, Switzerland, All of above

  1. Pakistan
  2. Uruguay
  3. Switzerland
  4. Both A and C

These Landlocked countries in world MCQs and information are collected for the purpose of one paper mcqs test preparation.

Read More: General Knowledge MCQs

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