LAT Past Paper 2019

LAT Past Paper 2019 MCQs with Answer for Law Admission Test preparation online.

LAT Past Paper 2019 MCQs

When Pakistan come into being which city use designated on the capital of Pakistan?
  1. Lahore
  2. Karachi
  3. Multan
  4. Islamabad
Where is the head quarter of united nations situated?
  1. Newyork
  2. Seydny
  3. Istanbul
  4. Tokyo
Antonym of Entitle
  1. Forbid
  2. Permit
  3. Both
  4. None
Antonym of Distortion
  1. Perfection
  2. warp
  3. contortion
  4. twist
  1. بدنام
  2. انداز
  3. دونوں
  4. کوںٓی نھیں
  1. فاںٓدہ
  2. نقصان
  3. دونوں
  4. کوںٓی نھیں
Weather describes the condition of ___ any one time :
  1. The earth
  2. The land surface
  3. The atmosphere
  4. The ionosphere
  1. نقصان
  2. امیر
  3. غربت
  4. کوںٓی نھیں
  1. بدنام
  2. فاںٓدہ مند
  3. نقصان
  4. کوںٓی نھیں
  1. مشھور
  2. نقصان
  3. بدنام
  4. کوںٓی نھیں

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