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The largest rain forest is in:
- Egypt
- Uk
- Brazil
Synonym Random
- Casual
- Old
- Both
- None
A boy walked 2 km towards North than 3 km towards west and than 1 km south and then 2 km East.How for the boy from starting point?
- 2 km
- 3 km
- 4 km
- 5 km
- 36.25
- 26.25
- 27.7
- 25,55
- 0.9
- 0.5
- 0.4
- 0.2
Ancestors antonym
- Decedents
- Elders
- Olders
- None
Camouflage synonym
- deception
- Favor
- Both
- None
Embracing antonyms
- Free
- Reject
- Exclude
- All
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