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Bad Tempered antonyms is
- tetchy
- happy
- tempered
- irritable
Suddenly i saw a ____ of Light
- dullness
- glint
- mistrust
- none of these
Weather Changed so quickly we were ______ prepared for it.
- Scarcely
- badly
- prompt
- never
We sat ____ the air
- by
- with
- at
- of
When the police said the terrorist were ______ the Run
- of
- are
- on
- there
The war continued _____ a third day.
- for
- since
- till
- of
Well off antonym is ___
- destitute
- poor
- badly off
- unfortunate
What is the antonym of Gigantic?
- Vast
- Huge
- Tiny
- None the above subject
Sibling Synonym is ____
- Brother
- Sister
- Both
- None of these
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