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Email stands for ____?
- Easy mail
- Electronic mail
- Electric mail
- Eye mail
Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan?
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Lilly
- Jasmine
Which is the largest Religion of the World?
- Christianity
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
Which is the national bird of Pakistan?
- Parrot
- Markhor
- Chakor
- Pigeon
- None of these
The most populous city in the world is?
- Delhi
- Tokyo
- Karachi
- Shanghai
Who got the title of Saifullah?
- Hazrat umar
- Hazrat ali
- Khalid bin Waleed
- None of these
Mohammed Bin Qasim conquered Sindh in the year:
- 812 AD
- 712 AD
- 912 AD
- 1012 AD
- 612 AD
In which novel of his Lawrence dealt with psychological phenomenon known as “Oedipus Complex”?
- Lady Chatterly`s Lover
- Sons of lovers
- The Trespasser
- The boy in the bunch
Emirates Airlines belongs to which country?
- Saudi
- Yemen
- Iran
Which city is the provincial capital of Balochistan?
- Quetta
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- None
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