Find the greatest number which will divide 25, 73 and 97 as so to leave the same remainder in each case?

A. 12
B. 18
C. 24
D. 32

Find the greatest number which is such that when 697, 909 and 1227 are divided by it, the remainders are all the same?

A. 53
B. 112
C. 108
D. 106

A merchant has three different types of milk: 435 liters, 493 liters and 551 liters. Find the least number of casks of equal size required to store all the milk without mixing.

A. 51
B. 61
C. 47
D. 45

A wholesale tea dealer 408 kilograms, 468 kilograms and 516 kilograms of three different qualities of tea. He wants it all to be packed into boxes of equal size without mixing. Find the capacity of the largest possible box?

A. 50
B. 36
C. 24
D. 12

Find the size of the largest square slabs which can be paved on the floor of a room 5 meters 44 cm long and 3 meters 74 cm broad?

A. 56
B. 42
C. 38
D. 34

A room is 4 meters 37 cm long and 3 meters 23cm broad. It is required to pave the floor with minimum square slabs. Find the number of slabs required for this purpose?

A. 485
B. 431
C. 391
D. 381

How many minimum number’s of whole square slabs are required for paving the floor 12.96 meters long and 3.84 meters side?

A. 216
B. 192
C. 108
D. 256

There are four prime numbers written in ascending order of magnitude. The product of the first three is 7429 and of the last three is 12673. Find the fourth number?

A. 17
B. 29
C. 23
D. 31

There are four prime numbers written in ascending order of magnitude. The product of the first three is 385 and of the last three is 1001. Find the fourth number?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 11
D. 13

Two numbers 4242 and 2903 when divided by a certain number of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find the number?

A. 101
B. 103
C. 107
D. 113

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