LDC Islamabad Police Past Papers

Shifa bint Abdullah (R.S) was employed by Umar Bin Khattab ( R.S) as ___?
  1. inspector of police
  2. inspector of market
  3. inspector of court
  4. none
Abdullah bin Salam (R.S) was a convert from ____ to Islam.
  1. Christianity
  2. Judaism
  3. Zoroastrianism
  4. None
Choose the superlative adjective in each group of sentence.
  1. This is a better play than the last one
  2. The box was blue and oddly shaped
  3. This is the most exciting doing I’ve ever experienced!
  4. I am noce
We all should go through a medical check-up twice a year, here the adverb ” twice a year” is an example of __?
  1. adverb of time
  2. adverb of manner
  3. adverb of place
  4. adverb of frequence
The multiple-word conjunction EITHER ____OR, NRTTHER _______ NOR, and NOT ONLT _____BUT ALSO are called ____ conjunction.
  1. addition
  2. correlative
  3. alternative
  4. contrast
Synonym of Equanimity is ____?
  1. serenity
  2. excitement
  3. anxiety
  4. anger
Synonym of Gratuitous is ____?
  1. justifiable
  2. necessary
  3. costly
  4. superfluous
Choose the synonym of a capital word: Her father’s sense was usually described as “FLAMBOYANT” but n the night of the party, Tanya’s outfit was uncharacteristically modest.
  1. impeccable
  2. showy
  3. sloppy
  4. none
Choose the synonym: Aberration
  1. Normal
  2. Unusual
  3. deviation
  4. Disparate
Choose the antonyms: Denigrate
  1. Extol
  2. Belitte
  3. Decry
  4. Impugs
Choose the antonyms: Hapless
  1. fortunate
  2. woeful
  3. hexed
  4. jinxed

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