LDC Motorway Police Paper 14-07-2024

Which country has no railway track:

A. Afghanistan
B. China
C. Russia
D. Somalia

Oldest flag of the world belongs to which country:

A. America
B. Denmark
C. Japan
D. None of these

The peacock throne was made for:

A. Muhammad Shah
B. Aurangzeb
C. Shah zafar
D. Shah Jehan

Important:  The last Mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne was Muhammad Shah.

Which of the following rivers crosses the equator twice:

A.  Congo River
B. Indus River
C. Amazon River
D. Nile River

Which is the largest gulf of the world

A. Persian Gulf
B. Mexico Gulf
C. Gulf of Oman
D. Gulf of Africa

English channel separates England from

A. Italy
B. Germany
C. France
D. Sicily

Great Victoria desert is present in

  1. China
  2. Australia
  3. Sudan
  4. New Zealand

Oldest airline of Pakistan is

B. Blue Airways
C. Orient Airline
D. None of these

Choose the correct antonym of ruthless:

  1. Majestic
  2. Grief
  3. Merciful
  4. Pity

"Just good enough". means?

A. Not sufficient time
B. An estimated criteria
C. Good for Circumstances
D. None of these

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