Life of Quaid e Azam MCQs

Most important question related to Life of Quaid e Azam MCQs for one paper mcqs test preparation.

Life of Quaid e Azam MCQs

When Quaid-e-Azam joined Indian National Congress
  1. 1907
  2. 1904
  3. 1906
  4. 1913
Quaid e Azam left the Indian National Congress in:
  1. 1906
  2. 1913
  3. 1920
  4. none of these
Quaid e Azam joined All India Muslim League in :
  1. 1908
  2. 1909
  3. 1907
  4. 1913
Jinnah the only film on the life of Quaid-e-Azam was produced by?
  1. Akbar S. Ahmed
  2. Jamil Dehlavi
  3. Shabab dhlvl
  4. Pervaiz iqbal cheema
Who played role of Quaid-e-Azam in film “Jinnah” which was released on 7 November 1998?
  1. Christopher Lee
  2. Micky arther
  3. Jamil Dehalvi
  4. Shashi Kapoor
Dina Wadia visited Pakistan upon the death of the Quaid, and then only once again in ______during the Musharraf era.
  1. 2004
  2. 2003
  3. 2002
  4. None

When was Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah’s name was read in khutba at the Pakistan colony mosque by the Sindh education minister Pir Illahi Bukhsh?

  1. 22 August 1947
  2. 12 July 1947
  3. 19 July 1947
  4. none
Who was the main architect of the joint session meeting of Congress and Muslim League in Lucknow in 1916?
  1. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
  2. Muhammad Ali jinnah
  3. Zafar Ali khan
  4. Shibli Naumani
What is the name of Quaid e Azam mother?
  1. Mithibai
  2. Emmi bai Jinnah
  3. Sababai
  4. None
Quaid e Azam's tenure as Governor?
  1. 12 months
  2. 13 months
  3. 14 months
  4. None of these

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