One-Liner – MCQs about the Holy Quran – English

  1. How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts with حُرُوف مُقَطَّعَات muqaṭṭaʿāt : 29
  2. Muqattiat are letters that are : Written collectively and read separately
  3. The meaning of Kausar is: The Abundance
  4. What is the full title of Tafseer-e-Ibn-e-Kaseer? Tafseer Quran e Azeem
  5. When the Holy Quran First Translated into Latin? 1143 AD (by Robert of Ketto).
  6. Which is an extremely important and precise surah on the oneness of God? Surah Akhlas
  7. Who many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word “Qul”? Five
  8. Who gave Hazrat Abu Bakar the idea to collect the Quran in the form of a book? Hazrat Umer
  9. How many Surahs are there in the Holy Quran? 114
  10. In which Para, the first bow is occurred? Para 9
  11. After the death of Hazrat Umar (RA) a copy of Quran was passed to: Hazrat Hafsa (R.A)
  12. In which surah of Holy Quran Allah says that revealed this book and I am Protector: Al Hijr
  13. Islam mean? The religion of peace
  14. How many verses in suah kausar? 3
  15. The number of Ruku in the last chapter of Quran are : 39
  16. In which Surah of the Quran are the details of heritage? Surah E Nisa
  17. The first degree of faith is to stop evil by : hand
  18. How many Sajdas are in Madni Surahs? 03
  19. What are the fifth belief in Iman-e- Mufassal? Day of Judgement
  20. Madni surahs are? longer

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