One-Liner – MCQs about the Holy Quran – English

  1. The last bow (sajda) of the Holy Qur’an is in which Surah? Surah Alaq
  2. What is the meaning of word Quran? the recitation
  3. The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas means : The Purity
  4. How many times name of Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) mentioned in the Holy Quran? 69
  5. Work ____ pairs and complete the following assignment. In
  6. How many types of right in Islam? 2
  7. Laws about Zina revealed in ___ A.H: 5
  8. Laws about Orphanage revealed in which Hijri? 3
  9. Interest was prohibited in ___ A.H 8th
  10. How many surah are named with animal names? 6
  11. How many Mosques are mentioned in the Holy Quran? 5
  12. How many times Name Ahmed repeated in Quran? 1
  13. Allah Almighty said we will test you with: Hunger and Fear
  14. The Holy Quran contains__Makki Surahs and ___ Madani Surahs___? 86 - 28
  15. The first local language in which Holy Quran is translated in Sub Continent: Sindhi
  16. Which animal was residing with the As'hab e Kahaf? Dog
  17. What significant event in Islam history occurred in Rajab? Miraj
  18. Which Alphabet used minimum in number in Holy Quran : Zoa (ظ)
  19. Which Alphabet is mostly used in Quran? Alif (ا)
  20. Which is the old name of Islam? Deen-e-Hanif

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