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- The surah which includes the most concise description of Tawheed is: Al lkhlaas
- Holy Quran was translated into Persian by: Shah Waliullah
- Meaning of Al'Araf is: Borderline between Heaven and Hell
- Surah Tauba the only Surah Which does not start with Bismillah is in Which Parah? 10 & 11
- The literal meaning of the word Quran is: Frequently recited
- How many times Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem is repeated in the Holy Quran? 114
- The Commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah: Surah Baqara
- In which Surah story of Qaroon is mentioned? Sura Qasas
- In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated in every verse? Surah Mujadala
- Which of the following Sura of the Holy Quran is called the “mother of Qur’an”? Sura Fatiha
- How many surahs of the Holy Quran start with the word Ha-meem? 7
- In which surah of the Quran can maximum instructions be found? Surah Baqarah
- Ashab e Kahf slept for how many years? 309
- Hazrat Umar R.A embraced Islam, influenced by which Surah Of Holy Quran? Surah Taha
- In which surah Uswah Hasna of the Prophet is mentioned? Ahzab
- The largest Madni Surah in Quran is: Surah Al Baqarah
- What is the opposite of Shirk? Touheed
- The biggest animal mentioned in the Holy Quran is : Elephant
- Quran is written in: Prose & Poetry
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