One-Liner – MCQs about the Holy Quran – English

  1. How many times, the word ‘Allah’, is repeated in the Holy Quran? 2698
  2. Abbreviated Letters Alif Laam Meem, Ya Seen, Ha Meem, etc. are known as the Huroof: Al-Muqattaat
  3. ___ is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an. Milk
  4. The Wahi was sent in the month of : Ramzan
  5. What is the Duration of Makki Period? 12 Years 9 Months 5 days
  6. Who was sent by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as his envoy to Quraish of Makkah on the eve of Sulah-e- Hudaibiya? Hazrat Usman (RA)
  7. The part of prayer the Holy Prophet did is called : Sunnat
  8. Who solicited Hazrat Usman (رضہ) to send the copies of Quran to different countries? Hazrat hadifa-bin-Yamaan
  9. What an authentic Hadis is called: Sahih
  10. Makkhi Surahs were revealed in how many years? 13
  11. The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was : Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
  12. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of____ to Hazrat Owais Qarni R.A: Khair-ut-Tabe’en
  13. Which is known as “Saloos ul Quran”? Surah Ikhlas
  14. Which letter has mostly used after alif (الف) in the Holy Quran? Noon
  15. How many time the word ‘Quran’ is repeated in the Quran? 70
  16. Azra is a title of : Bibi Maryam
  17. According to Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas the last was decended on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), how many days before death? 7 or 9
  18. Word "Quran"appeared in Holy Quran for how many times? 70
  19. Hazrat Hood's (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ___ times. 7
  20. In how many years Makhi Surahs were revealed? 13

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