The rate of formation of ozone depends on the flux of:
A. visible radiation
B. Ultra violet radiation
C. Infrared radiation
D. Gamma rays
Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as___________?
A. synthetic
B. Protein
C. Cellulose
D. Nylon
How much solar flux absorb by earth’s surface is used to drive hydrologic cycle:
A. 1/2sec
B. 1/3rd
C. 1/4th
D. 1/5th
Which one of the following serve as aquatic solar fuel cell:
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. Algae
Who used the term Concentrationwindow to draw the arbitrary lines of demarcation
A. Einstein
B. Dr.A.Walash
C. Schwartz
D. S.E.Manhan
Element that have same number of neutrons are called:
A. isotope
B. isobar
C. isotone
D. None of these
Calculate % of N in KNO3:
A. 14.34%
B. 18.56%
C. 13.86%
D. None of these
The pH of milk is:
A. 9
B. 6.5-7
C. 8
D. 12
The Boiling Point of Ethyl Alcohol is:
A. 78°C
B. 58°C
C. 73°C
D. 56°C
Why do we determined the boiling point of a liquid?
A. To check its Acidity and Basicity
B. To Check temperature
C. To check its Purity and nature
D. None of These