MCQS of Chemistry For Entry Test

Elements which emit natural radioactivity are known as:

A. Radio elements
B. Active elements
C. Radioactive elements
D. Nuclear elements

Alpha (α) particles are helium (He) nucleus with a charge of:

A. e
B. 2e
C. 3e
D. 4e

Treatment of sucrose with conc. HNO3 gives:

A. Nitrosucrose
B. Glucose+ fructose
C. Oxalic acid
D. Laevulinic acid

How many isomeric aldoses are possible for the molecular formula C6H12O6?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 7

The IUPAC name of pyridines is:

A. Azolo
B. Azine
C. Azolidins
D. Diazine

The hybridization of nitrogen atom in pyridine is:

A. Sp
B. Sp2
C. Sp3
D. It is not hybridized

Which of the following compounds is not soluble in HNO3:

A. CuS
B. CdS
C. PbS
D. AgCl

The weight of a metal of equivalent of 12 which will give 0.475g of its chloride is:

A. 0.12g
B. 0.16g
C. 0.18g
D. 0.24g

When SO2 solution is passed over which of the following it turns green?

A. K2Cr2O7
B. H2SO4
C. SO3
D. P2O5

The composition of ‘ Golden spangles is:

A. PbCrO4
B. PbI2
C. As2Cr2O7
D. BaCrO4

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