MCQS of Chemistry For Entry Test

Alum is used by dyers of cloth:

A. As water purifier
B. As mordant 
C. fire proofing fabrics
D. Softening of hard water

The most useful dye for those fabric which can form hydrogen bonds is:

A. Mordent dye
B. Vat dye
C. Acid dye 
D. Direct dye

Which of the following pair is not distinguished by passing H2S?

A. Hg, Pb
B. Zn, Mn
C. As, CD
D. Cd , Pb

Ozone is formed in the upper layer of the atmosphere from oxygen by action of:

A. Free radicals
B. Cosmic rays
C. Nitrogen oxides 
D. UV -rays

Surface water contains:

A. only salt
B. Organic matter
C. Salt & Organic matter
D. Suspended impurity

Cyclone collector is used for minimizing:

A. Water pollution
B. Sound pollution
C. Soil pollution
D. Air pollution 

The medium which interact with long lived pollutant is:

A. Source
B. Receptor
C. Sink
D. All of them

Which one of the following gives the measure of Organic pollution in water?

D. Salinity

The distribution coefficient is related to:

A. Separating factors 
B. decreasing factors
C. Colouring factors
D. retardation factors

The usual property of ionic crystal are:

A. Stable
B. gaseous form
C. Unstable
D. Compound forming 

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