One Word Substitutes MCQs

A broad road bordered with trees is?

A. boudoir
B. boulevard
C. avenue
D. façade

Practice of employing spies in war is?

A. esplande
B. espadrille
C. estrangement
D. espionage

One who criticizes popular beliefs which he/she thinks is a mistake or unwise is?

A. philistine
B. iconoclast
C. imposter
D. cannibal

Having a tendency to break the law to do socially unacceptable things is?

A. delinquent
B. frank
C. juvenile
D. guilty

Fear of closed places:

A. Claustrophobia
B. Misogynist
C. Ambidextrous
D. Philanthropy

action of killing King is called ____?

A. regicide
B. suicide
C. patricide
D. parricide

” Infallible ” refers to the one who is free from all ____?

A. cares & worries
B. cares & failures
C. mistakes & failures
D. Worries & troubles

A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. is called as ____?

A. Cellar
B. Style
C. Pen
D. Lair

A person who is controlled by wife called

A. Henpeck
B. Connoisseur
C. Somnambulist
D. None of these

A community of people smaller than a village

A. hamlet
B. aviary
C. apiary
D. none of these

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