Pak Study MCQs Quiz 19

Pak Study 19

1 / 20

Pakistan day is celebrated on ___________?

2 / 20

Pashtun Culture Day is celebrated on

3 / 20

When is National Constitution Day celebrated?

4 / 20

On what date Balochi Culture Day is celebrated?

5 / 20

Kashmir Solidarity Day is celebrated on which date?

6 / 20

Pakistan to celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ on _______?

7 / 20

"Youme-e-Takbeer" in Pakistan is celebrated on:

8 / 20

یوم شہدائے پولیس کب منایا جاتا ہے؟

9 / 20

Sindhi Culture Day is celebrated on first Sunday of

10 / 20

Defence day is celebrated in Pakistan on ___________ ?

11 / 20

Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province?

12 / 20

Which range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan?

13 / 20

What is the average height of Karakoram range ?

14 / 20

Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?

15 / 20

Which is the highest peak of Salt range?

16 / 20

Which is the highest peak of Karakoram range ?

17 / 20

Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan ?

18 / 20

Which of the following areas from potwar Plateau ?

19 / 20

What is the average height of Chaghi range ?

20 / 20

The height of Potwar Plateau is ?

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The average score is 60%


MCQs Test of Pakistan Studies Class 9

There are twenty questions in this important MCQs Test of Pakistan Studies Class 9 for competitive exams preparation.

The quiz will help the students to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Studies for one paper exam preparation.

After attempting all the questions in this antonyms quiz, aspirants must submit the quiz to see their marks for this quiz.

Candidates must submit the quiz at the end to see their final marks and the average scores of other students who participate in this MCQs Test of Pakistan Studies Class 9.

After the quiz final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Pakistan studies quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Pak study quiz is an effort to help candidates to prepare their PAK study test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Pak Study past papers and MCQs for preparation.

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